Grant for Salford Cathedral Music


We’re thrilled to announce that Salford Cathedral has been awarded a £16,000 grant towards our Music Foundation from the Cathedral Music Trust.

The grant will be used to support our choral scholarships (our current Choral Scholars are pictured above) over the next year as well as investing in new sheet music as we continue to diversify our range of choral music. As well as much needed financial support, the grant is a note of confidence in support of the musical renaissance we have seen in the Cathedral over the past two years. Out of the 22 grants awarded from the Trust, the only other Catholic Cathedrals were Leeds, Arundel and Westminster.

The grant will also enable us to expand our work in providing tuition for children and young people on the piano and organ and we’re looking forward to announcing more details about this exciting innovation in the coming months.

For the latest information about Salford Cathedral’s Music Foundation, subscribe to our Music Newsletter here.

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