Mass will resume at the Cathedral from Saturday 4th July.
The weekly times until further notice are:
Saturday: 10am & 5.30pm Vigil Mass
Sunday: 9.15am and 11am
Monday to Friday: 12.10pm
We are delighted to welcome you back but please remember that Mass may feel and look slightly different for a while as numbers will be limited, social distancing must be adhered to and collections and processions will be limited to prevent the spread of infection. You can see how the changes might work in the photo below and we have also detailed them at the bottom of this page.
We ask that you consider attending a weekday mass if possible to help spread capacity.
If you are in a vulnerable group please make the safest decision for you, we will still be live streaming daily and Sunday mass on

- Stewards Stewards will be placed on the door to manage the flow of people in and out. Please be guided by the steward when receiving Communion and entering and leaving the Church. You may be required to give the steward your name and contact details for Track and Trace purposes.
- One Way System A one way system will be clearly marked out on floors, including when receiving Communion.
- Hygiene Please use hand sanitiser provided as you enter and leave the church. The church will be cleaned between Masses.
- Social Distancing Please keep two metres distance between those who are not from your household at all times.
During the Mass
- Hymn Books There will be no Hymn books or shared materials and readers will be encouraged not to touch the Lectionary, however you are able to bring your own Missal.
- Offertory Procession This will not take place at the moment. The gifts will be brought frmo the Credence table.
- Offertory Collection There will be no offertory collection. Donations will be accepted in only one specific place but direct debit is encouraged.
- Sign of Peace Due to restrictions on physical contact, the sign of peace will not take place.
- Congregational Singing and Music Congregational singing will not take place.
- One Way System A one-way system will be clearly marked. Please maintain the 2m distance during Communion.
- Celebrant’s Host Only the priest should consume the Celebrant’s Host.
- Receiving Communion The precious blood will not be distributed at this time. Communion should be taken in the hand while standing.
- Hygiene Hands must be sanitised both before and after distributing Communion.
If you have any symptoms of coronavirus or have been in contact with someone who has symptoms, please stay at home.