On Monday 19th April 2021, A.E. Yates, began carrying out essential repair works to Chapel Street, between its junctions with Adelphi Street and Trinity Way and Great George Street.
The works will comprise of the following elements:
1. Taking up the granite blocks and concrete foundation within the carriageway between St Phillips Place and Trinity Way and replacing them with a tarmac road surface.
2. Investigating the cause of the trees dying within the Central reservation and implementation of a solution to replace the trees.
3. Construction of a parking lay-by on Great George Street for use during funerals and weddings at the Cathedral.
Works will be undertaken between 8:00am and 6:00pm Mondays to Fridays and 8:00am to 1pm on Saturdays and will last to mid October.
Due to the nature of these works, the following traffic management arrangements will remain in place throughout the duration of this period.
Traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction in a contraflow (i.e. both lanes of traffic on one side of the central reservation)
Moreover, in order to facilitate the construction of the lay-by for the Cathedral, Great George Street will need to be closed for a period of 2-3 weeks. Traffic will be diverted via Bank Street and St Phillips Place.
As a consequence of these works, parking WILL NOT be available on Chapel Street, directly in front of the Cathedral and Cathedral House during this period. However, car parking is available in the evenings and at the weekends, in the Cathedral Centre car park, off Ford Street. Additional car parking is also available at Adelphi Street, on Cleminson Street, New Bailey Street and Stanley Street Car Parks.
A map, detailing the location of these car parking facilities, is available at the back of the Cathedral and can be downloaded by clicking the link below: